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Membership Signup

The Frivs

Membership SignUp
    Strength: Very Weak
    These Questions are to help us keep you safe during rehearsals and performances, please tell us about
    I agree to have my personal details (not my password or banking details) stored in a secure frivs database. Friv's are required by the Charities Commission to keep the names and contact details of all of its members.
    Select Your Payment Gateway
    Our Bank Detail are as follows:

    Napier Frivolity Minstrels

    ASB BANK - 12-3144-0014464-00

    in the payment reference section, put your first and last name please.

    How you want to pay?

    This form is to register your details to get a membership login, then use the payment info you see listed and go to your own bank account to make the payment, once we see your payment in our bank account we will then make your membership active.


    Your currently selected plan : , Plan Amount : $
    Final Payable Amount: $